The EQ Competency Framework has 9 EQ behaviours that are observable and measurable. We created this profile based on at least 15 years of performance standards and measurements so that each one who eventually takes this profile can influence change through clearly defined behaviours and corresponding actions.
The model consists of 3 zones.
1) The ‘Core’ Zone represents ‘Purpose’. We begin with Purpose because it forms the bedrock of why we are in this life for. When our direction is clear, our “Why” in life bears a deeper meaning and it gives us a drive that is engineered from within. This is where Passion and Purpose reside.
2) The ‘Self’ Zone represents EQ with Self. The 4 competencies represented are ‘consciousness’, ‘emotional management’, ‘optimism’ and ‘self-efficacy’. When your purpose is clear, it’s important to address the relationship we have with ourselves. In other words, the quality of our thoughts and feelings, how effective we are as a result of how we speak to ourselves and our ability to handle our emotional state and effectiveness at handling tasks.
3) The ‘Other’ Zone represents relationship with Others. The 4 competencies represented are ‘empathy’, ‘trust’, ‘influence’ and ‘connection’. When we are clear about our direction (Purpose), demonstrate emotionally healthy habits and have resourceful thoughts, our relationships with others are harnessed. We are then able to influence and build healthy relationships with others which forge long term growth and mutual respect.
Contact us about Emotional Intelligence profiling for your staff today.
The Enneagram is a powerful and dynamic personality system that describes nine distinct and fundamentally different patterns of thinking, feeling and acting. The tool enables individuals within organizations to understand their own and others’ motivations and behavior patterns, and to communicate and work more effectively with each other.
The word “ennea” is Greek for nine and “gram” means model or figure. Hence, the Enneagram is a diagram or star with nine points representing the nine personality patterns. Each of these nine patterns is based on an explicit set of perceptual filters that determine our worldview. Underneath each of the nine patterns is a basic proposition or belief about what you need in life for survival and satisfaction.
The Enneagram demonstrates different points of view, strengths, limitations and communication styles for each of the nine types. It also helps team members learn how to prevent and handle conflicts, work with their blind spots and become more effective leaders. As you discover your personality type and the underlying basic proposition, you also will discover what motivates you, your coping strategy and keys to personal development.
1. What is the Enneagram useful for?
The Enneagram is mainly a diagnostic tool of one’s emotional outlook on life. It will not cure one’s problems, but may help point out their underlying fixations. It is also useful as a guide to how other people see the world differently. The Enneagram has become particularly popular within the self-help and personal growth movements, but other professions use it as well, including therapists, teachers, psychologists, managers, and businesspeople.
2. Don’t people’s personalities change all the time?
I have not heard of anyone’s Enneagram type changing after early childhood, though I can’t rule out the possibility. Most often, what changes is one’s understanding of the personality one had all along. Major life changes most often involve discovery of inner strengths, and admission of weaknesses, that one actually had all along.
3. Doesn’t the Enneagram just put people into boxes?
Actually it’s the other way around, as Riso points out: the Enneagram shows you what boxes to get out of. Most people are not aware of their own fixations, or how powerfully they affect our consciousness.
4. Is one’s Enneagram type inherited?
Somewhat. Most twins are different Enneagram types, although many are adjacent types.
5. Is your Enneagram type your whole personality?
No, even though well-meaning, enthusiastic Enneagrammers may give that impression. Tom Condon has remarked that one’s Enneagram type is analogous to one’s national origin – i.e. it is part of one’s identity, while still leaving considerable room for individual variation.
6. Do the personality types have a corresponding compatible personality type?
Yes and No. “Yes” in the sense that some types share common characteristics, as for example a One with a Two wing and a Two with a One wing. Another example is a Seven and One can “meet” at either Seven or One. “No” in the sense that any two types can be compatible as long as they are relatively healthy individuals.
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Behavioural Analysis is the study of the differences in human personality and behaviour. It deals with various internal needs which, when properly satisfied, empower individuals with motivation and encouragement. By identifying your motivational needs, you’ll be better equipped to understand and meet these needs in others. You will gain a new insight into personality differences, as well as learn powerful communication skills for more effective interaction.
The DISC profile analysis facilitates an understanding of human behaviour. It explores 4 basic personality styles and you learn to better relate to someone of a different personality. These instruments are widely used in counselling and human resource management where supervisors and managers can better understand traits and characteristics of staff.
What the subject has to do is complete a series of questions by selecting from a list of descriptions which Most and Least reflect them. A carbon copy on the reverse side creates a graph and the facilitator will help you interpret the results that will identify behavioural style.
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